Dream Home 2.0 // Studio

I dream of my studio. Like create a mood board, visualize the perfect workspace kind of dream. While house shopping, after the living room, and kitchen, it's the next space I try to picture. My dream studio would be an out building, separate from the main living space, but I am more than okay with a large bedroom or converting a second living space into my work space. But, the space needs to bright for photographing flat lays and DIY tutorials, but also have plenty of wall space for shelving storage for all my supplies and goodies. This dream room has a desk with a few work spaces, as well as a meeting/project table, plus a space for a mood board wall. The color palette of course fits the rest of the house, neutral-based with pops of color that tie into the Lauren Koster Creative brand. Here is my mood board with the look and feel, as well as the virtual design. 

Dream Studio Inspiration

photos clockwise from upper left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Dream Studio


Keep up with the rest of the dream home series here


Cozy September Wedding Mood Board


DIY Cut Out Kids Art