My Latest Clean Beauty Routine

About two years ago I started making the switch to clean beauty products. After reading about the harmful chemicals in our favorite products, I decided to explore all the clean options there are on the market these days. I suffer from psoriasis, which requires topical products that are anything but natural, so I try to balance my prescription medications with a natural regimen. Prescriptions aside, I am proud to say about 85% of my beauty and skin routine is "clean" and just as good and effective as the chemical-filled products I used to put on my body. 

Clean Beauty
  1. Argan Oil - In this summer months I don't use lotion, only body oil, and Argan oil is my favorite. After stocking in up while in Morocco last year, I was hooked! I also use Argan oil on my face as my night time moisturizer. I am currently using Majestic Pure, because you get a lot for a little, it only contains one ingredient and it's sold on Amazon for ease of ordering. 
  2. Maple Holistics Tea Tree Shampoo - As I mentioned, I suffer from psoriasis, and one of the the places it is worst is my scalp. I have to rotate shampoos between the more harsh T-gel and a tea tree based shampoo. I love this shampoo because it is effective, yet gentle and it smells fresh and clean. Click here to find out about Maple Holistic's free samples program!
  3. Luminositie Apple Stem Cell Face Serum - I gotta admit, Goop got me on this one. But as a woman in her mid-30s I'm all about exploring the anti-aging products, but with the steep price point many of them command, if it says "anti-aging," is clean and is recently priced, I'm adding it to my cart. This product does smell very appley, but I have noticed brighter skin since adding it to my regimen. I always apply before I moisturize at night and if I remember I also apply before lotion in the morning.
  4. Suntegrity Tinted Natural Moisturizing Face Sunscreen - at $45 (for a much bigger tube than pictured here) this product is a little pricier than most of my other choices, but totally worth it in my book. Until discovering this product I didn't heed my dermatologist's recommendation to apply sunscreen daily. I didn't like how oily sunscreen usually made my face feel, and frankly, I was too lazy to apply another layer in the morning. Suntegrity solved all my problems. It feels great on my skin, contains SPF 30 AND is tinted for a little base coverage. 
  5. Cold Spring Apothecary Vanilla Oak Body Lotion - This last product is not only natural, but it is locally made and sold at the most beautiful boutique up state New York. It is defintely my splurge-worthy product because it smells amazing and it leaves my skin buttery soft. This is my go-to lotion for the winter months. 



Conversations with Ollie // 2 1/2 years


Favorite Fall Color: Rust