Color Blocked Kids Art Project

I never quite understood what parents were talking about when they complained about finding activities for their kids to do during summer vacation, but now that I'm in transition and home with Oliver all day, I totally get it. I can't say I've been Martha Stewart mom, but I have done a few activities I'm proud of and I'm pretty excited to share this DIY color block art project with you. It was a team effort between my son and I, and a lovely way to spend a three afternoons.

DIY Kids Color Block Art Project

I am in love with this color block art trend I've been seeing around the internet. I am in no way claiming that our work of art is as good as Jesslyn Brooks or Ines Longevial, but I am very happy with the way it turned out. I may have inadvertently promised our son it would hang in house "forever." These are a inspiration pieces for this project.

color block art

art clockwise from top left: 1 / 23 / 4


  • paint, I ised acrylic 
  • paint brushes
  • canvas
  • pencil

NOTE: I chose the paint colors

DIY Color Block Art

STEP 1: Have your little draw shapes on the canvas

Color Block art project with kids
Color Block art project with kids

STEP 2: He picked the placement for the colors, then I painted the outline of the shapes.

Color Block art project with kids

STEP 3: Ollie painted the inside of the shapes.

Color Block art project with kids

STEP 4: I cleaned it up and painted the sides. 


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