Happiness Project Month 2
I am officially through one month of my happiness project. I feel like I am doing pretty well. I did not accomplish or tackle everything on my list, but I think I laid a really good foundation for the rest of the year in month one. January was all about organization. While there were several one-time tasks I did not get to, like clean off my computer, that I didn’t get to, but there were a lot of wins in the column of setting good organizational habits that I think I will keep.
photo: Camille Styles
There are several big things I began doing this month that I want to toot my horn about. I got into the habit of doing all the dishes after dinner and putting them away before bed, so in the morning and when I get home from work the counters are clean. I put a small trash can inside the entry closet to toss unwanted mail. And, I established a cleaning routine, every Sunday morning in January I spent about an hour and a half to two hours cleaning the house. I cleaned the bathrooms, vacuum, cleaned the kitchen, and every other week dusted or washed sheets. These three simple things have made my home and life seem to run a little more smoothly. I have been giving up my leisurely Sunday morning, but I’ve gained outer order and inner calm.
Here is the list of goals I set for myself at the beginning of the month. I crossed out the items I checked off my list.
JANUARY - Organization
devise a system for keeping counters cleardevelop a cleaning routinesolve the mail sorting issuesfinish organizing office
purge and complete closet organization
sort junk drawersorganize and delete computer files
clear desk top, digital and physicaldelete photos and apps from phone
sell, donate or recycle unwanted clutterdo a time mapping exercise to best organize my time
Here are a few of my favorite organization products I picked up this month.
Now that January is in the books it’s time to look toward February. This month I’m focusing on finances. Talk about and “being good at” money has always been an Achilles heel. Hopefully this power month of thoughtful reflection and planning and discussing with my partner will kick my butt into gear!
FEBRUARY - Finances
do a full asset/liability assessment
write down financial goals short and long term and align with Kyle
make a plan to pay down debts
start contributing to 401K again
make appointment with financial advisor
stick to budget 100%
photo: Camille Styles