Happiness Project Month 3
Wow, did February slap me in the face. The month kicked off with two installations, and an e-design project on top of my part time jobs. I was riding high. Then I was let go from one of said jobs. Right smack in the middle of the month when I was supposed to be straightening out and getting on track with my finances. Guess that’s the lesson about life, nothing is certain but uncertainty. So needless to say, between the loss of income, all the projects, the multiple snow days and scrambling to find another way to collect a consistent pay check, I can’t say that I’m as happy with my results of my second month of my happiness project as I was with my first.
The loss of income however, really did give me new perspective on savings and having a cushion. I am reading Suze Orman’s book, Women and Money, exploring different budgeting apps, and have rescheduled my canceled appointment with my financial advisor.
do a full asset/liability assessmentwrite down financial goals short and long term and align with Kylemake a plan to pay down debtsstart contributing to 401K again
make appointment with financial advisor
stick to budget 100%
This month I plan to focus on all things driving my business. On the wedding side, I want to refine workflow with new and potential clients. And on the blog side, I plan to continue creating new content, but also set up a system to share existing and evergreen content. I also plan to find better metrics by which to measure my progress. Only a few items, but so much to do to achieve them. Let’s do this!
- Consistently blog Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week in March
- Create new opt-in freebies
- Make a "do-plan" to increase efficiency of my business
- Take affiliate and blogging income cources
- Clean up Pinterest
- Set-up accounting system
A very honest recounting of my credit card debt journey and my drive to get it paid off.