Dream Home 2.0 // Color Palette

A few weeks ago I shared some of my favorite images to inspire my dream home. Now I'm breaking it down a step further and talking about color palette. An overall color palette for your home isn't something the lay person might thinking about when embarking on decorating their home, but it's a really important step that can help you out in the end. People generally gravitate toward a look, but honing in on a style and a color palette that is cohesive and compliments the space is integral to a home that flows and has continuity. Plus, and this is the major point of this post, when you stick to a style and color scheme that is cohesive, it's very easy to swap and move things around when you want to refresh a space. If your bedroom and living room are somewhat cohesive you may be able to pull a bedside table to use as a coffee table or move chairs from the reading nook into the family room. Being diligent about this step means that art can be swapped from room to room and accessories can be styled and restyled again and again. Below is the color palette I am using to inspire my home as well as some pieces that support the look. 

Home Color Palette



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