Hello July

July feels like the most care-free month, doesn’t it? It starts with a holiday, probably my favorite holiday! We always travel to Port Austin, a little tourist town on Lake Huron. My family has a house there, just a short walk from the lake. It’s a place that has so many core memories and nostalgia tied to it, but also a place that I can actually relax. My mom and aunt are around, so there is an extra set of hands to help with the kids and space outside to just be. Everyone should have a place where ice cream every day is the norm and watching sunsets is a favorite activity. I am planning on bringing a sketchbook and some watercolors and hoping to enjoy a little time creating.

In a completely different direction, July is also the kick-off to Q3, the second half of the year. I haven’t talked about it here at all, but my life got a big shake up in the first half, so some big, exciting things are on the horizon in the coming months. I cannot wait to share it all with you!

Thank you for being here and I hope you have a beautiful, relaxed and carefree month!


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