Hyphen Life Episode 1: My Story

I started a podcast!! It’s been a long time coming, but today I officially launched, “Hyphen Life!” It’s a podcast about professionals that do more than one thing. I have never settled for doing just one thing and as I make my way in the world I have discovered there are a lot more of my multi passionate people out there.

I will be interviewing other professionals living the hyphen life and doing more than one thing. I am very excited to share stories of multi-passionates in every stage of the game from just starting out to wildly successful. My goal with this podcast is to remove the stigma that multi-passionate people are scatterbrained or just waiting to see if something sticks. We are the way we are because having multiple projects, not to mention multiple income streams, fills us up and feeds our souls. And in my opinion doing more than one thing is a major advantage.

Hyphen Life

My first episode is all about my career journey. Multi-passions run deep in my blood. Growing up I was involved in many extracurricular activities, I double majored in college and I had multiple side hustles before that term was a thing. Today I design and plan weddings, create installations, style photoshoots and work for an interior design firm. Listen to find out how I got there, my doubts, fears, failures and triumphs along the way. I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please rate, review and share with a friend!


Hyphen Life Episode 2: Rhiannon Bosse