Hyphen Life Episode 2: Rhiannon Bosse

Rhiannon Bosse on Hyphen Life

One of the women I admire most in this crazy hyphen life space is Rhiannon Bosse. She is a successful wedding and floral designer with many accolades, a creator of beautiful content and a soap maker. In this episode she breaks down how her multi-passions not only coexist, but work together in beautiful harmony. Rhiannon also shares her enthusiasm for goal setting and love for Power Sheets, the goal setting system created by Lara Casey.

Rhiannon also talks about living an intentional life and the values that bridge her business and personal worlds and that she is happy in this season of life, as a mom with small kids, being a 5-figure business owner is her sweet spot, and a “no now isn’t a no forever.”

Thank you Rhiannon for sharing your heart and wisdom. You can find her work on RhiannonBosse.com and @RhiannonBosse or @RBSoapCo on instagram.


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Hyphen Life Episode 1: My Story