2020 Resolutions

I am a resolution person, always have been, every year! Sometimes my resolutions look like goals, sometimes more like traditional resolutions and last year, I attempted a Happiness Project. But I always love self reflecting at the end of the year and figuring out ways to make positive changes in my life. Plus my birthday is January 5th, so it always feels like the perfect time to have a fresh start. I am sharing my resolutions with you in order to hold myself accountable and share my journey.

  1. Heal my skin through diet and lifestyle - My biggest resolution is to find a way to help curb my psoriasis through natural means. I’ve talked a few times about my psoriasis journey, the past few years have been a vast range from bad to worse. The topical prescription I use is no longer covered by insurance and costs me about $100, and I need it almost monthly. Aside from cost, doctors don’t recommend steroids for long term use, and I’ve already been using it for over 10 years. I plan to see a functional doctor, try different, natural products and curb my stress, because I don’t want to have to rely on medicine forever.

  2. Be on time - I am never super late, but almost always 5 minutes or so. Not long enough for someone to be mad, but long enough that I feel like I need to send a “sorry, running late” text. It seems like a totally solveable problem, just need to give myself an extra buffer so I’m not speeding literally and figuratively through life.

  3. Stick to a gratitude practice - I have started and stopped gratitude practices over the past few years, but about a month ago I began again, and while it hasn’t been every day, I have been pretty consistently sticking to it. I have been taking 5 minutes every morning to write down three things I’m grateful for in the moment.

  4. Eat more vegan - I’m already a vegetarian, and have been for over 20 years, but as I read more and more about the negative effects of animal byproducts on the environment I am inspired to cut back on dairy consumption. Also, point one, nutritionists almost always recommend cutting dairy to help with skin issues.

  5. Keep clothing budget at net zero - I am set on clothing, like SET. But of course a fashion lover is called to make a purchase now and again. My goal is to keep the budget at net zero, so if I want to buy something, I need to sell some other clothes to earn the money, making my purchases 100% intentional.

  6. Employ systems - This one is kind of vague, on purpose. I am still figuring it out, but I know there are things in my life that need to be streamlined, for instance, business expenses, don’t have a system or posting on social media, don’t have a system for that either, so I always feel like I’m playing catch up instead of staying on top of it. I may spend a future post breaking this one down.

  7. Pay off credit cards - This goal has been nagging me for since I opened my first credit card in 2006 when I moved to New York. I have had peaks and valleys balance wise, never fully zeroing out. This is the year I get there!!

  8. post more here! - I have put this blog on the back burner to sort out the GIANT life changes that have happened in the past two years. I am planning on getting back to a consistent posting schedule in 2020!! Hello systems!


2020 Word of The Year: Grace


Postpartum Maternity Style