How I'm Healing My Psoriasis Naturally

I made several new years resolutions this year, some small changes and some loftier. My number one goal is to heal my psoriasis and get to a place where I don’t need daily prescription applications.

This journey started about 14 years ago, soon after I moved to New York City, I noticed my first plaque. Over the next decade, it was well controlled with spots concentrated on my back and chest. I applied my topical steroid daily. About four years ago things took a turn, perhaps it was stress, my back seemingly over night became covered and the plaques became thicker.

In the past four years, I have dabbled with diet and tried different natural topical treatments in the past, but still have had to rely on my prescription steroid. This year I have committed to figuring this out! The first step I took was to see a functional doctor. Back in early February I had my first appointment. I took a food sensitivity test and a fecal test to measure the bacteria in my microbiome. A month later I went for a follow up to get my results.

This is what my skin looks like today. This day was about average. I’ve had some better days than this, and some worse, but over all it’s on the right track.

How I'm healing my Psoriasis Naturally

My approach to healing is three prong.

  1. Change my diet to heal my gut.

  2. Use natural products as opposed to prescription chemicals

  3. reduce stress


My food sensitivity panel came back and there were a number of foods that are staples in my diet that I tested positive for - gluten, dairy, almonds, yeast and some more random ones like pineapple (which I do love). Starting in early March when I got the results I made a 3 month commitment to follow my diet plan. It has been 6 weeks. I haven’t seen any drastic changes, but my bad days now are no where near what they have been in the past. And my good days are much better than my skin has looked in years. Now that I am stuck at home, already making all my meals, it actually is the perfect time to stick to this very stringent diet.


I have tried several different natural psoriasis products, and my favorite has been the products by Psoriasis Honey. They have a line specifically formulated for psoriasis, in addition to a line for eczema. The Skin Renewing cream, has been a godsend this winter. My skin was the driest it’s ever been. This Skin Renewing Cream has a soothing cooling sensation that feels great. Psoriasis Honey also makes a Skin Serum that I love to use in the summer months, when my skin doesn’t require the thick skin cream.

How I'm Healing My Psoriasis Naturally


The last point on my three prong approach is reducing stress. Tough as a working mom during a global pandemic, but setting the intention is a start. Making sure I exercise on a regular basis is the number one thing that keeps me grounded and reduces stress. I have been doing my best to stay present and started a consistent gratitude practice. Above all, I am finding grace for myself, especially in this moment in the world.


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