DIY Built-In Bunk Beds
I’ve got to be honest, I may have built bunk beds for my boys, even if there wasn’t another little man in the picture. Once we decided to replace the carpet and a baby on the way, I decided to prioritize building these bunk beds for the two older boys. Monroe is only two and a half and hasn’t transitioned out of his crib, but when we are ready to move Remy (our brand new addition!) from the bassinet to the crib, Monroe has a place to go.
I looked at a lot of tutorials online and patched together the plan that I thought would work best for my family - twin over queen - and my aesthetic. Below isn’t really a step-by-step tutorial, but more of an overview of what I used and how I assembled the pieces. I also shared lots of details on an instagram highlight.
12 - 8ft long 2x4s
6 - 8ft long 2x6s
6 - 8ft long 2x2s
12 - 8ft long 1x4s
wood screws a variety of lengths
paint - I used Benjamin Moore Avon Green
paint sprayer (optional)
approx 16’ of oak 1x4 to trim ladder
After I built the base, I clad the head and foot in 1/4” plywood, measured to fit over the open 2x4s. Hop over to my instagram highlight to see how I cut the opening for the nook.
Prep for paint - fill screw holes with spackle and caulk edges.
I used a paint sprayer, but you could use a brush and roller. I waited until after paint to add the slats, so that I wouldn’t have to crouch between the beds.
The final steps was to add some oak details. I used oak dowels for the ladder rungs and railing and trimmed out the ladder and nooks in oak trim.