Home Office Goals

Anybody else LOVE seeing everyone on the news and the internet’s homes in the backgrounds of the shots? People who usually broadcast from a studio are on lockdown like the rest of us but still have to appear on the segments. A tiny tiny silver lining in this terrible crisis, I find it fascinating to get a glimpse into the spaces professionals choose to use to share with millions of viewers. Are your coworkers getting a glimpse into your space? Are you on zoom meetings with people who would normally never see your home? Bet most of us wish we could have give ourselves an upgrade, or have scrambled to do so. The One Room Challenge may be officially postponed, but I am working on giving my home workspace a MAJOR upgrade. I cannot wait to share that with you in the coming months! Here are a few of my favorite work from home goal spaces.

Home Office Goals



  1. Make a schedule. It sounds like a lot, but I have found it gives structure to my day, as well as theirs. Not that it always goes 100% smoothly, but at least we have a baseline and can set expectations.

  2. Pause for lunch. Something many of us never do. We eat at our desks and continue working. prepping and serving lunch to your kids can’t easily be done while your working. Try not to schedule at lunch time and take a moment to be present and do your “other job.”

  3. Be honest with your team. We are all doing our best and are dealing with circumstances beyond our control. The best thing you can do is to be honest and to set realistic expectations. It’s worse to over promise and under deliver.

  4. Wake up early. Don’t roll out of bed and plop down at your computer. If you have kids, this is unlikely to be your reality anyway. I like to wake up early, move my body, have some breakfast and coffee and give myself plenty of time to start the day.

  5. Get ready and get dressed. Not only on days when you have meetings. Get dressed in something other than leggings and put make-up on. You’ll be surprised how much more together and productive you feel.

  6. Have a designated work space. I find it best to have a space to go to in the morning and to leave at the end of the day. Of course there are loads of overlap, but as best you can, It creates some sort boundaries between your roles.

  7. Give yourself grace. Doing two jobs at once is not easy.


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